Horseback Riding Lessons at CoComeau
Courtney has students of all ages and levels. She takes the time to establish the basics of horsemanship, riding and gives confidence to beginners. CoComeau Equestrian services include, private and group lessons, leasing, training, camps and coaching. Courtney also offers "Lesson Board" which is a reduced board for eligible horses that are safe to use in lessons.
Send a text to (617)-404-1749 or emailĀ [email protected] to be added to our waitlist and receive emails about upcoming events that are open to the public!
Camps at Cocomeau
Learn how to ride or improve your riding skills in a fun, relaxed atmosphere! Meet new friends and learn all aspects of horse care. All levels welcome. Ages 6-15. At CoComeau Equestrian your riding experience is important! If you want more information or need any assistance, email Courtney or call (617) 404-1749.
I've never rode a horse before. Can I still take lessons at CoComeau?
Whether you are an experienced rider or a complete beginner, you'll fit right in! New students will be instructed in grooming and tacking the lesson horse in a series of beginner riding lessons with Courtney Comeau.
CoComeau Equestrian
Lesson Procedure
New students will be instructed in grooming and tacking the lesson horse in a series of beginner riding lessons with Courtney or one of our experienced instructors. These beginner, private lessons are an hour in duration and include approximately a half-hour of riding time.
When a student is proficient at grooming and tacking up, they have the option to move to group lessons. This point will be decided by Courtney. At that time, students should arrive at the stable at least 30 minutes before the scheduled riding lesson so they have sufficient time to groom and tack their lesson horse. After the lesson is over, the student cools out the horse if necessary, removes tack, and brushes or sponges the saddle area. The student then returns the horse to its stall or paddock as directed by the instructor and places the tack back in the tack room.